Tag Archive Fusion


A Message from our Chairman

Covid-19 is all over

No it isn’t, it’s coming back in a new variant, and striking all ages.

If you are entitled to a booster jab, don’t be foolish and think you have had enough already, take it. Most surgeries are offering to give Flu and Covid-19 jabs at the same time. Check with your surgery, or on something like Patient Access for the details. Having the jab may not stop you having Covid-19, but it is likely that you will get a much milder attack.




A Message from our Chairman

It is with great sadness that I have to advise you all that the KCC has confirmed that our Adult Social Care Grant of £29,000 will be reduced to £14,500
for the first 6 months of this year and then permanently cancelled.


This will obviously put enormous pressure on our budget, and it may well
be that we will have to discontinue some of the functions we hold.
Next year the pressure will be even more acute.


The situation could have been even worse if Clair Bell a Cabinet Member
and Gary Cooke our local KCC Member had not fought our corner.


This brings into focus just how much the local community must step up to the mark to help its local charities, or lose them.